Retreats -
The annual publication of the Retreat Association

Retreats 2025 includes the following features:​
Articles and book reviews on the theme of Discipleship - see below for further details
Lead article by Graham Sparkes
Information and programmes for over 150 Christian retreat centres in the UK and beyond
Details of courses, networks and associations that promote spirituality and spiritual direction
Retreats with a theme - including painting, walking, Christmas and Easter
Individually guided retreats and quiet days
Retreats for the beginner
Map pages divided into regions
An index to all retreat centres
Alternatively, send a cheque for £14.30 (£10.00 per copy plus £4.30 postage and packing) to our contact address.

Retreats 2024
Copies of our current handbook
on the theme of Hope with lead article
by Angela Tilby are still available.
Send a cheque for £12.30 (£8.00 per copy plus £4.30 postage and packing) to our contact address.
Featured articles in Retreats 2025 Handbook