Resources for individuals
A wide range of downloadable materials and links are listed below to help you on your retreats journey
Download one of our themed leaflets and guides
Have you thought
of making a retreat?
Theme retreats
Myers Briggs
Discovering Prayer: ways to pray through listening
The Retreat Association is working in partnership with Discovering Prayer to promote audio prayers online.
If you’d like to find quality time to be with God and would like some inspiration, why not try a new way to pray.
Discovering Prayer offers audio prayer times that you can listen to, to help you get going and keep going with prayer.
It starts with just 10 minutes a day and you can try out a range of different prayer times.
The Discovering Prayer course is a free two-week course with the opportunity of continuing further through a membership subscription.
Links to other relevant websites
We have strong links with other individuals and organisations to support you in a range of areas relating to Christian retreats and spirituality.
Artists and Creative Space
Christian Spirituality
Ignatian Spirituality
Reflective Places and Events
Resources for Quiet Days
Retreat House Wardens
Retreats at a Time of Change
Silent Retreats
Spiritual Direction
Youth and Young Adults
Please note: these links take you to other websites on the Internet. They are provided as a possible resource for your spiritual journey.
The Retreat Association is not responsible for the content of these other sites nor does it necessarily support or condone the opinions expressed on these sites.